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Check DM Status

The LikeMinds iOS SDK provides functionality to check the status of a direct message (DM). This guide outlines how to use the CheckDMStatusRequest and CheckDMStatusResponse classes to verify whether a DM is available and retrieve related metadata.

Steps to Check DM Status

  1. Create an instance of the CheckDMStatusRequest class using its builder methods.
  2. Call the checkDMStatus() method in the LMChatClient class, passing the constructed request object.
  3. Process the LMResponse<CheckDMStatusResponse> response to access the DM status and CTA (Call-To-Action) information.
let request = CheckDMStatusRequest.builder()
.requestFrom("REQUEST_FROM") // Context of the request
.uuid("USER_UUID") // Unique identifier of the user
.chatroomId("CHATROOM_ID") // Optional chatroom ID

LMChatClient.shared.checkDMStatus(request: request) { response in
if let status = response?.data {
if status.showDM == true {
print("DM is available. CTA: \(status.cta ?? "N/A")")
} else {
print("DM is not available.")
} else {
print("Error checking DM status: \(response?.error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")



requestFromStringID of the sender
uuidStringID of the receiver✔️
chatroomIdStringID of the ChatroomId✔️


showDMBoolIndicates whether Direct Messaging (DM) is shown✔️
ctaStringCall-to-action text associated with the DM status✔️