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idInt?Unique identifier of the community✔️
imageURLString?URL of the community's image✔️
nameString?Name of the community✔️
membersCountInt?Number of members in the community✔️
purposeString?Purpose of the community✔️
subTypeInt?Subtype of the community✔️
typeInt?Type of the community✔️
updatedAtInt?Timestamp of the last update✔️
autoApprovalBool?Whether the community has automatic approval✔️
hideDMTabBool?Whether the direct message tab is hidden✔️
communitySettings[CommunitySetting]?List of settings for the community✔️

Community Setting

titleString?Title of the community setting✔️
typeString?Type of the community setting✔️
subTitleString?Subtitle of the community setting✔️
enabledBool?Whether the setting is enabled✔️
enabledByInt?ID of the user who enabled the setting✔️