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memberMember?The member associated with the chatroom✔️
idStringUnique identifier of the chatroom
titleStringTitle of the chatroom
createdAtString?Creation date of the chatroom✔️
answerTextString?The answer text related to the chatroom✔️
stateIntState of the chatroom
unseenCountInt?Number of unseen messages✔️
shareUrlString?URL to share the chatroom✔️
communityIdString?ID of the associated community✔️
communityNameString?Name of the associated community✔️
typeChatroomType?Type of the chatroom✔️
aboutString?Description of the chatroom✔️
headerString?Header text of the chatroom✔️
showFollowTelescopeBool?Flag to show follow telescope option✔️
showFollowAutoTagBool?Flag to show follow auto-tag option✔️
cardCreationTimeString?Time when the card was created✔️
participantsCountInt?Number of participants in the chatroom✔️
totalResponseCountIntTotal number of responses in the chatroom
muteStatusBool?Mute status of the chatroom✔️
followStatusBool?Follow status of the chatroom✔️
hasBeenNamedBool?Whether the chatroom has been named✔️
hasReactionsBool?Whether the chatroom supports reactions✔️
dateString?Date associated with the chatroom✔️
isTaggedBool?Whether the chatroom is tagged✔️
isPendingBool?Whether the chatroom is pending✔️
isPinnedBool?Whether the chatroom is pinned✔️
isDeletedBool?Whether the chatroom is deleted✔️
userIdString?ID of the user associated with the chatroom✔️
deletedByString?User who deleted the chatroom✔️
deletedByMemberMember?Member who deleted the chatroom✔️
updatedAtInt?Last update timestamp for the chatroom✔️
lastSeenConversationIdString?ID of the last seen conversation✔️
lastConversationIdString?ID of the last conversation✔️
dateEpochInt?Epoch date representation✔️
isSecretBool?Whether the chatroom is secret✔️
secretChatroomParticipants[Int]?List of participant IDs in secret chatroom✔️
secretChatroomLeftBool?Whether the user has left the secret chatroom✔️

Chatroom Type

directMessage"direct message"


idInt?Unique identifier for the cohort✔️
totalMembersInt?Total number of members in the cohort✔️
nameString?Name of the cohort✔️
members[Member]?List of members belonging to the cohort✔️