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Carousel Video Player


LMVideoPlayer is a component that provides a customizable video player for rendering and managing video playback. It supports various controls such as play, pause, fullscreen, and seeks functionalities, offering a seamless video viewing experience within the app.



The STYLES class allows you to customize the appearance of the LMPostContent. You can set the styles in carouselScreenStyle in STYLES.

headerTitleTextStyleStyle for the video player's header title.
headerSubtitleTextStyleStyle for the video player's header subtitle.
sliderThumbImagestringPath to the image used for the slider thumb.
thumbTintColorstringTint color for the slider thumb.
minimumTrackTintColorstringTint color for the minimum track of the slider.
maximumTrackTintColorstringTint color for the maximum track of the slider.
startTimeStyleTextStyleStyle for the video's start time text.
endTimeStyleTextStyleStyle for the video's end time text.
backIconPathstringPath to the image used for the back icon.
isBackIconLocalPathbooleanWhether the back icon path is a local path.
backIconStyleImageStyleStyle for the back icon.
playIconPathstringPath to the image used for the play icon.
isPlayIconLocalPathbooleanWhether the play icon path is a local path.
playIconStyleImageStyleStyle for the play icon.
pauseIconPathstringPath to the image used for the pause icon.
isPauseIconLocalPathbooleanWhether the pause icon path is a local path.
pauseIconStyleImageStyleStyle for the pause icon.
muteIconPathstringPath to the image used for the mute icon.
isMuteIconLocalPathbooleanWhether the mute icon path is a local path.
muteIconStyleImageStyleStyle for the mute icon.
unmuteIconPathstringPath to the image used for the unmute icon.
isUnmuteIconLocalPathbooleanWhether the unmute icon path is a local path.
unmuteIconStyleImageStyleStyle for the unmute icon.