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Like Post

The likePost() function enables users to express their appreciation for posts by other members. With just a simple tap, users can indicate their interest and support for specific content on their feed.

Steps to Like a Post

  1. Create an instance of LikePostRequest with the required parameter: postId for the post to be liked.
  2. Call the likePost() function using the instance of the LMFeedClient class, passing the request as a parameter.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement.
// Create an instance of LikePostRequest
ikePostRequest request = (LikePostRequestBuilder()

// Get the response from calling the function
final LikePostResponse likePostResponse = await lmFeedClient.likePost(likePostRequest);

// Process the response, as per requirement
if (likePostResponse.success) {
// your function to handle successful post liking
} else {
// your function to handle error message



List of parameters for the LikePostRequest class

postIdStringID of the post to be liked


List of parameters for the LikePostResponse class

successboolAPI success status
errorMessageStringError message in case of failure