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Join FeedRoom

The joinFeedRoom() function is used to follow or unfollow a feed room based on the parameters provided in the JoinFeedRoomRequest. It returns an LMResponse<void>.

Steps to Join or Unfollow a Feed Room

  1. Build a JoinFeedRoomRequest object using the JoinFeedRoomRequestBuilder class.

  2. Call the joinFeedRoom() function using an instance of the LMFeedClient class.

  3. Use the response (LMResponse<void>) as per your requirement.

// Build the request object
final JoinFeedRoomRequest joinFeedRoomRequest = (JoinFeedRoomRequestBuilder()
..feedRoomId("ENTER_FEEDROOM_ID") // Replace with the actual feed room ID
..value(true)) // Replace with true to follow or false to unfollow

// Get the response from calling the function
final LMResponse<void> joinFeedRoomResponse = await yourClient.joinFeedRoom(joinFeedRoomRequest);

// Process the response, as per requirement
if (joinFeedRoomResponse.success) {
// Your function to handle successful join/unfollow action
} else {
// Your function to handle error message



The JoinFeedRoomRequest class represents the parameters required to follow or unfollow a feed room. Below are the details of the JoinFeedRoomRequest model:

feedRoomIdintThe unique identifier of the feed room.No
valuebooltrue to join the feed room, false to leave.No