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List of parameters used in Conversation

allowAddOptionboolis add option allowed✔️
answerStringanswer of the conversation✔️
attachmentCountintcount of attachments✔️
attachmentsList<Attachment>list of attachments✔️
attachmentsUploadedboolis attachments uploaded✔️
chatroomIdintunique id of the chatroom✔️
communityIdintunique id of the community✔️
createdAtStringtimestamp of creation✔️
createdEpochintepoch of creation✔️
dateStringdate of the conversation✔️
deletedByUserIdintunique id of deleted user✔️
deviceIdStringunique id of the device✔️
endTimeintend time of the conversation✔️
expiryTimeintexpiry time of the conversation✔️
hasFilesboolis conversation has files✔️
hasReactionsboolis conversation has reactions✔️
idintunique id of the conversation✔️
internalLinkStringinternal link of the conversation✔️
isAnonymousboolis conversation anonymous✔️
isEditedboolis conversation edited✔️
lastUpdatedinttimestamp of last update✔️
multipleSelectNointmultiple select number✔️
multipleSelectStateintmultiple select state✔️
ogTagsOgTagstags of the conversation✔️
pollAnswerTextStringanswer of the poll✔️
pollTypeinttype of the poll✔️
replyChatroomIdintunique id of the reply chatroom✔️
replyIdintunique id of the reply✔️
stateintstate of the conversation✔️
temporaryIdStringunique id of the temporary conversation✔️
userIdintunique id of the user✔️
memberIdintunique id of the member✔️
toShowResultsboolis show results✔️
pollTypeTextStringtype of the poll text✔️
submitTypeTextStringtype of the submit text✔️
isTimeStampboolis time stamp✔️
locationStringlocation of the conversation✔️
locationLatStringlatitude of the location✔️
locationLongStringlongitude of the location✔️
replyConversationintunique id of the reply conversation✔️
replyConversationObjectConversation?object of the reply conversation✔️
conversationReactionsList<Reaction>list of reactions in conversation✔️
pollsList<PollOption>list of poll options for poll conversation✔️
noPollExpirybool?Whether the poll has no expiry✔️
allowVoteChangebool?Whether users can change their vote✔️
widgetIdString?Id of widget associated with the Conversation✔️


List of parameters used in Attachment

answerIdintunique id of the answer✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of creation✔️
dimensionsdynamicdimensions of the attachment✔️
fileUrlStringurl of the file✔️
urlStringurl of the attachment✔️
heightdynamicheight of the attachment✔️
idintunique id of the attachment✔️
indexintindex of the attachment✔️
metadynamicmeta of the attachment✔️
nameStringname of the attachment✔️
thumbnailUrlStringthumbnail url of the attachment✔️
typeStringtype of the attachment✔️
widthdynamicwidth of the attachment✔️


List of parameters used in OgTags

descriptionStringdescription of the og tags✔️
imageStringimage of the og tags✔️
titleStringtitle of the og tags✔️
urlStringurl of the og tags


chatroomIdint?The ID of the chatroom for this reaction.✔️
conversationIdintThe ID of the conversation for which this reaction exists
reactionIdint?The ID of this reaction inside the conversation✔️
userIdintThe ID of the user which created this reaction
reactionStringThe reaction in String format, usually an emoji


idint?The ID of the poll option.✔️
textStringThe text describing the poll option.
isSelectedbool?Whether the option is selected by the user.✔️
percentageint?The percentage of total votes that selected this option.✔️
noVotesint?The total number of votes for this option.✔️
memberUser?The user who created this poll option, if applicable.✔️
userIdint?The ID of the user who created the poll option.✔️
countint?The number of users who voted for this option.✔️


idStringUnique ID of the widget✔️
parentEntityIdStringID of the parent entity✔️
parentEntityTypeStringType of the parent entity✔️
metadatadynamicMetadata of the widget✔️
lmMetadynamicAdditional meta information✔️
createdAtintTimestamp of creation✔️
updatedAtintTimestamp of last modification✔️