🗃️ Group Chat
5 items
📄️ Get Chatroom
A chatroom is a place where users can interact with each other. LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK supports different types of chatrooms, including:
📄️ Get Unread Chatrooms
The getUnreadChatrooms function retrieves a list of unread chatrooms from the local database using Realm. It accepts a Chatroom and the lastConversation as input, updating or creating relevant records within the local database. If the chatroom exists, it updates the unseenCount, unreadConversationsCount, and conversation details. If the chatroom is not found, it creates new chatroom, conversation, and member records. The method filters chatrooms with active follow status, no mute status, and unseen messages, then sorts them by the latest conversation timestamp. It returns a maximum of 7 chatrooms wrapped in an LMResponse.
🗃️ Direct Messages
3 items
📄️ Get Chatroom Actions
These diverse chatroom types cater to various communication needs, providing flexibility and control over the conversations within your React Native chat application. A chatroom can be created by the community manager through Dashboard only.
📄️ Mark Read Chatroom
In LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK, you have the ability to mark conversations within a chatroom as read. This feature enables you to keep track of your chatroom discussions and easily identify which messages have been viewed or not.
📄️ Mute/Unmute Chatroom
Muting a chatroom in LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK ensures that you won't receive any notifications for new conversations happen within that chatroom.