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Getting Started

The LikeMinds Flutter Chat SDK serves as a network layer that wraps around network calls, utilizing appropriate models to facilitate a seamless integration experience with minimal configuration required.

Add dependency

Open the terminal, and run the following command in your Flutter project's directory.

flutter pub add likeminds_chat_fl


To start using the package, import it in your main.dart file

import 'package:likeminds_chat_fl/likeminds_chat_fl.dart';

After adding the import, get an instance of the LMChatClient class using the builder pattern provided with the client.

// Initiate the LMChatClient instance
final LMChatClient lmChatClient = (LMChatClientBuilder()
..excludedConversationStates(excludedConversationStates ?? []))

Maintain this instance of the LMChatClient class throughout your application. You can use it to access the different methods exposed by the package.


The LMSdkCallback class is a callback class that is used to listen to analytic events from the LikeMinds Chat package. It has 3 methods that you can override to listen to events from the package.

class YourCallback extends LMSdkCallback {

void eventFiredCallback(String eventKey, Map<String, dynamic> propertiesMap) {
// Implement eventFiredCallback

void loginRequiredCallback() {
// Implement loginRequiredCallback

void logoutCallback() {
// Implement logoutCallback