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List of parameters used in User

idintunique id of the user
nameStringname of the user
imageUrlStringprofile image url of the user✔️
isGuestboolis user a guest✔️
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user
organisationNameStringname of the organisation✔️
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfosdk client info✔️
updatedAtinttimestamp of last update✔️
isOwnerboolis user an owner✔️
customTitleStringcustom title of the user✔️
memberSinceStringdate of joining the community✔️
routeStringroute of the user✔️
stateintstate of the user✔️
communityIdintunique id of the community✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of user creation✔️
rolesList<UserRole>roles of the user✔️


UserRole is an enum with the possible values

chatbotThis is a chatbot user.
memberThis is a normal user.
adminThis is an admin user.


List of parameters used in SDKClientInfo

communityintunique id of the community
userintunique id of the user
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user
uuidStringunique identifier for the SDK client✔️