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List of parameters used in ChatRoom

idintunique id of the chatroom
titleStringtitle of the chatroom
headerStringheader of the chatroom
communityIdintunique id of the community
communityNameStringname of the community
chatroomImageUrlStringprofile image url of the chatroom✔️
autoFollowDoneboolis auto follow done✔️
cardCreationTimeStringcard creation time✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of creation✔️
lastConversationIdintunique id of last conversation✔️
dateStringdate of the chatroom✔️
dateEpochintepoch of the date✔️
dateTimeinttimestamp of the date✔️
followStatusboolis user following the chatroom✔️
includeMembersLaterboolis members included later✔️
isPrivateboolis chatroom private✔️
isPrivateMemberboolis user a private member✔️
isSecretboolis chatroom secret✔️
isTaggedboolis chatroom tagged✔️
memberUsermember of the chatroom✔️
muteStatusboolis chatroom muted✔️
reactionsList<dynamic>list of reactions✔️
secretChatroomLeftboolis secret chatroom left✔️
stateintstate of the chatroom✔️
typeinttype of the chatroom✔️
participantCountintcount of participants✔️


List of parameters used in ChatoomAction

idintunique id of the chatroom action
titleStringtitle of the chatroom action