List of parameters used in ChatRoom
Variable | Type | Description | Optional |
id | int | unique id of the chatroom | |
title | String | title of the chatroom | |
header | String | header of the chatroom | |
communityId | int | unique id of the community | |
communityName | String | name of the community | |
chatroomImageUrl | String | profile image url of the chatroom | ✔️ |
autoFollowDone | bool | is auto follow done | ✔️ |
cardCreationTime | String | card creation time | ✔️ |
createdAt | int | timestamp of creation | ✔️ |
lastConversationId | int | unique id of last conversation | ✔️ |
date | String | date of the chatroom | ✔️ |
dateEpoch | int | epoch of the date | ✔️ |
dateTime | int | timestamp of the date | ✔️ |
followStatus | bool | is user following the chatroom | ✔️ |
includeMembersLater | bool | is members included later | ✔️ |
isPrivate | bool | is chatroom private | ✔️ |
isPrivateMember | bool | is user a private member | ✔️ |
isSecret | bool | is chatroom secret | ✔️ |
isTagged | bool | is chatroom tagged | ✔️ |
member | User | member of the chatroom | ✔️ |
muteStatus | bool | is chatroom muted | ✔️ |
reactions | List<dynamic> | list of reactions | ✔️ |
secretChatroomLeft | bool | is secret chatroom left | ✔️ |
state | int | state of the chatroom | ✔️ |
type | int | type of the chatroom | ✔️ |
participantCount | int | count of participants | ✔️ |
List of parameters used in ChatoomAction
Variable | Type | Description | Optional |
id | int | unique id of the chatroom action | |
title | String | title of the chatroom action |