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Get Poll Users

Retrieves the list of users who selected a specific poll option in a poll conversation. This function fetches the users based on the provided poll option and conversation IDs.

Steps to get poll users

  1. Create a GetPollUsersRequest object using the builder pattern.
  2. Call the getPollUsers() function using the instance of LMChatClient, passing the request object and an optional response handler.
  3. Process the response LMResponse<GetPollUsersResponse> to handle the retrieved users or any errors.
let request = GetPollUsersRequest.builder()

PollClient.shared.getPollUsers(request: request) { response in
if let result = response?.data {
// Handle success
print("Users who selected this poll option: \(result.members)")
} else if let error = response?.error {
// Handle error
print("Error fetching poll users: \(error.localizedDescription)")



pollOptionIdStringID of the poll option to retrieve the users for
conversationIdStringID of the conversation the poll belongs to


members[Member]?List of members who selected the specific poll option✔️