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Get Tagging Member List

You can get the list of all the tags present in the community by calling the getTaggingList() method present in LMChatClient class and passing the request object.

Steps to Tag Member in a Conversation

  1. Create a TagRequestModel object using the TagRequestModelBuilder class.
  2. Call getTaggingList() function using the instance of LMChatClient class, using your request object.
  3. Process the response LMResponse<TagResponseModel> as per your requirement.
TagRequestModel request = (TagRequestModelBuilder()

LMResponse<TagResponseModel> response = await lmClient.getTaggingList(request);

if (response.success) {
debugPrint("Tagging list fetched");
} else {
debugPrint("Failed to fetch tagging list");



List of parameters for the TagRequestModel class

chatroomIdint?Chatroom ID✔️
pageint?Page number✔️
pageSizeint?Page size✔️
searchQueryString?Search string✔️


List of parameters for the TagResponseModel class

membersList<UserTag>?List of member tags✔️
groupTagsList<GroupTag>?List of group tags✔️


List of parameters used in UserTag

nameStringname of the user✔️
imageUrlStringurl of the image✔️
customTitleStringcustom title of the user✔️
idintunique id of the user✔️
isGuestboolis user guest✔️
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user✔️
uuidStringunique identifier for the user✔️
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfosdk client info✔️


List of parameters used in GroupTag

descriptionStringdescription of the group✔️
imageUrlStringurl of the image✔️
nameStringname of the group✔️
routeStringroute of the group✔️
tagStringtag associated with the group✔️