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Create Post

Allows users to compose and publish new posts within the application, facilitating content creation and user-generated interactions.

Steps to create a post

  1. Use the addPost() function provided by the lmFeedClient object created earlier.
  2. Create an instance of AddPostRequest, as shown in the snippet and pass it to the above method.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement
try {
const attachmentArr = [];
const topicIds = [];
const addPostRequest = AddPostRequest.builder()
.setText("Post content")
.setHeading("Heading of the post")
.setOnBehalfOfUUID("<ENTER_UUID>") //Can be called by Community Manager (CM) only
const response = await lmFeedClient.addPost(addPostRequest);
// Use the response as per your requirement.
} catch (error) {
// Use the error as per your requirement.

Additional Features

Tag a User

To tag a user, use the getTaggingList() function to fetch the list of users that can be tagged, and use the format <<[]|route://user_profile/[user.sdkClientInfo.uuid]>> to embed it inside the text of the post.

Decode URL

To decode a URL, use the decodeUrl() function to decode a URL and get its OGTags. Use those to add an attachment of type 4.

Add a Topic

Topics are keywords related to a post, they can be considered having the same use case as hashtags. You can add a topic to the post by sending the topicIds list in the AddPostRequest with the topics you have fetched using the getTopics().



textstringText content of the post.
attachmentsAttachmentAttachments to be uploaded.✔️
headingstringHeading of the post.✔️
tempIdstringTemporary ID of post.✔️
topicIdsstring[]List of topics user want to add in the post.✔️
onBehalfOfUuidstringOn the behalf of user id.✔️

Note You cannot create an empty post. Send data in at least one of the two keys, text or attachments


postPostObject of the created post.✔️
usersRecord<string, User>Map of user unique id to user object.✔️
topicsRecord<string, Topic >Map of topic id to topic object.✔️
widgetsRecord<string, Widget>Map of widgets.✔️