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Like Post

The LikeMinds React Feed SDK incorporates a "like" feature that enables users to express their appreciation for posts by other members. With just a simple tap, users can indicate their interest and support for specific content on their feed.

Steps to like a post

  1. Use the likePost() function provided by the lmFeedClient object created earlier.
  2. Create an instance of LikePostRequest, as shown in the snippet and pass it to the above method.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement
try {
const likePostRequest = LikePostRequest.builder()
const response = await lmFeedClient.likePost(likePostRequest);
// Use the response as per your requirement.
} catch (error) {
// Use the error as per your requirement.



postIdstringUnique id of the post


successbooleanTrue if api succeeds, False otherwise
errorMessagestringError log incase the api fails✔️