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Post Detail


In the Post Detail screen, the LikeMinds Feed SDK reuses the LMFeedPostMediaCell, LMFeedPostLinkCell, and LMFeedPostDocumentCell components from the Post List screen. While these cells share a similar UI, separate classes have been created for each to allow customization and extensibility.


Protocols Implemented

UI Components

  • postDetailListView: A LMTableView used to display the post's details, media, comments, and replies.
    • Registered Cells: LMFeedPostDetailMediaCell, LMFeedPostDetailDocumentCell, LMFeedPostDetailLinkCell
    • Registered Header: LMFeedPostDetailHeaderView
    • Registered Footer: LMFeedPostDetailFooterView
  • refreshControl: A UIRefreshControl allowing users to refresh the post details and comments.
  • containerView: A LMView that contains the input elements for adding a new comment.
  • containerStackView: A LMStackView that organizes the tagging view, reply separator, reply view, and the input stack view vertically.
  • taggingView: A custom view for displaying tagged users.
  • replyView: A LMView containing elements to show the current reply context.
  • replyNameLabel: A LMLabel displaying the name of the user being replied to.
  • removeReplyButton: A button for dismissing the current reply context.
  • stackView: A horizontal LMStackView containing the input text view and the send button.
  • inputTextView: A custom text view for entering comments. This is used for handling mentioning users.
  • sendButton: A LMButton for submitting the entered comment.
  • replySepratorView: A view used as a separator line between the tagging view and the reply view.

Data Variables

  • postData: Stores the post data conforming to LMFeedPostTableCellProtocol.
  • commentsData: An array of LMFeedCommentContentModel representing the comments and replies data.
  • isCommentingEnabled: A Boolean indicating whether commenting is enabled for the current user.


class CustomPostDetailScreen: LMFeedPostDetailScreen {
override func setupAppearance() {
tableView.backgroundColor = .lightGray
func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
Components.shared.postDetailScreen = CustomPostDetailScreen.self
// ...
return true