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How to configure Topics

For getting started, please refer to this doc.

Enabling topics in your community brings you one step closer to building a topic based feed experience using the LikeMinds Feed Flutter SDK.

The following configurations for topics are offered in Feed Flutter SDK:

1. Adding Topics to Posts:

a. By default, you can include topics when creating a post.

b. You can optionally make selecting a topic mandatory for creating a post.

2. Filtering Posts by Topics:

a. By default, you can filter the posts you see based on the topics they are associated with.

b. There's an option to control how users select topics for filtering.

Step 1

Create an instance of LMFeedConfig to configure topics.

config: LMFeedConfig(
composeConfig: const LMFeedComposeScreenConfig(
// this will make the topic compulsory to create a post
topicRequiredToCreatePost: true,
// [true by default] enables or disables topic in feed
enableTopics: true,
feedScreenConfig: const LMFeedScreenConfig(
// Enables filtering post using topics
enableTopicFiltering: true,
// Topic Filter can be shown as a bottom sheet or a separate screen
topicSelectionWidgetType: LMFeedTopicSelectionWidgetType.showTopicSelectionBottomSheet,

Below is the description of keys you have used in the above snippet.

enableTopicsboolBoolean to enable or disable topic in Feed, defaults to true✔️
topicRequiredToCreatePostboolWhether or not topic is compulsory for creating a post, defaults to false✔️
enableTopicFilteringboolEnables filtering post using topics, defaults to true✔️
topicSelectionWidgetTypeLMFeedTopicSelectionWidgetTypeSelects the type of Topic filtering widget to be shown, LMFeedTopicSelectionWidgetType.showTopicSelectionBottomSheet will present a bottom sheet whereas LMFeedTopicSelectionWidgetType.showTopicSelectionScreen will present a separate screen, default to LMFeedTopicSelectionWidgetType.showTopicSelectionScreen✔️

This is the difference when topic selection is enabled or disabled in the Compose screen.






This is the difference in Feed's design when topic based filtering is enabled or disabled






This is the difference between the two options we provide to select topics for filtering feed.





Step 2

While calling initialize method of LMFeedCore, pass the instance created in Step 1.

await LMFeedCore.instance.initialize(
// Replace below string with api key of your community
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
config: config,

Below is the description of keys you have used in the above snippet.

apiKeyStringAPI key of the community
configLMFeedConfigConfigures features in Feed, i.e. topics, heading in post, etc.,✔️