📄️ Bottom TextField
LMFeedBottomTextField is a widget designed to handle user input for comments or replies within the feed in your Flutter application. It provides customizable components such as profile picture and create button allowing developers to integrate a highly functional text input field at the bottom of a feed or post.
📄️ Comment List
LMFeedCommentList is a widget designed to display a list of comments for a specific post in your Flutter application. It supports customization through various builder functions, allowing developers to tailor the look and behavior of the comment list. It handles pagination, error states, and empty views, making it ideal for use in feeds where user-generated content plays a central role.
📄️ Reply List
LMFeedCommentReplyWidget is a widget designed to display replies for a specific comment in a post within your Flutter application. It integrates with the bloc architecture to manage state and provides seamless interaction capabilities like replying, liking, and editing replies. Developers can customize the appearance and behavior of the widget using various builder functions.
📄️ Saved Post List
📄️ User Activity Widget
📄️ User Created Post List
📄️ User Created Comment List
📄️ Vertical Video Post
LMFeedVerticalVideoPost is a widget designed to display vertical video posts in your Flutter application. It supports customization through various builder functions, allowing developers to tailor the appearance and functionality of video posts. This widget enables engagement actions like likes, comments, and menu options while offering full styling flexibility.
📄️ Video Feed List