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Edit Short Video Screen


The Edit Short Video Screen (LMFeedEditShortVideoScreen) provides an interface for users to edit their short video content. It allows customization of the app bar, video preview, topic selection, and other components through builders and configurations.

1. LMFeedEditShortVideoScreen Widget

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMFeedEditShortVideoScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const LMFeedEditShortVideoScreen({super.key, required this.postId});

final String postId;

State<LMFeedEditShortVideoScreen> createState() =>

Key Features

  • A stateful widget responsible for editing an existing short video.
  • Accepts a required postId parameter to identify the video to be edited.
  • Can be customized using builders and configurations for flexibility.

For the complete source code, refer to the GitHub link.

2. LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate {
const LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate();

The LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate allows developers to customize various UI components of the Edit Short Video Screen.

Methods in LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate

  1. appBarBuilder

    • Builds the app bar and provides a callback for post creation.
    Widget appBarBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    LMFeedAppBar appBar,
    VoidCallback onPostCreate,
  2. videoPreviewBuilder

    • Builds the video preview widget.
    Widget videoPreviewBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    LMFeedVideo videoPreviewWidget,
    LMAttachmentViewData attachmentViewData
  3. videoPreviewContainerBuilder

    • Wraps the video preview widget in a container.
    Widget videoPreviewContainerBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    Container videoPreviewContainer,
    Widget videoPreviewWidget
  4. selectTopicButtonBuilder

    • Builds the button for selecting a topic.
    Widget selectTopicButtonBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    LMFeedButton selectTopicButton
  5. editTopicButtonBuilder

    • Builds the button for editing the selected topic.
    Widget editTopicButtonBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    LMFeedButton editTopicButton

Explore the complete list of methods here.

3. LMFeedEditShortVideoSettings

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMFeedEditShortVideoSettings {
const LMFeedEditShortVideoSettings();
  • Purpose: Provides configuration settings for the Edit Short Video Screen. No additional fields or methods are currently defined.

4. LMFeedEditShortVideoStyle

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMFeedEditShortVideoStyle {
const LMFeedEditShortVideoStyle();
  • Purpose: Defines styling options for the Edit Short Video Screen. No fields or methods are currently defined.

5. LMFeedEditShortVideoConfig

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMFeedEditShortVideoConfig {
final LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate builder;
final LMFeedEditShortVideoSettings settings;
final LMFeedEditShortVideoStyle style;

const LMFeedEditShortVideoConfig({
this.builder = const LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate(),
this.settings = const LMFeedEditShortVideoSettings(), = const LMFeedEditShortVideoStyle(),

Usage Example

1. Create a Custom Builder

class CustomEditShortVideoBuilder extends LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate {

Widget videoPreviewBuilder(
BuildContext context,
LMFeedVideo videoPreviewWidget,
LMAttachmentViewData attachmentViewData
) {
return Container(
child: videoPreviewWidget,

2. Initialize with Custom Configuration

final customEditShortVideoConfig = LMFeedEditShortVideoConfig(
builder: CustomEditShortVideoBuilder(),

3. Apply the Updated Configuration

config: LMFeedConfig(
editShortVideoConfig: customEditShortVideoConfig,

6. Summary

The Edit Short Video Screen provides a user interface for modifying and refining short video content. Developers can customize components like the app bar, video preview, and topic selection using the LMFeedEditShortVideoBuilderDelegate. Configuration options are encapsulated in LMFeedEditShortVideoConfig, enabling seamless integration and customization tailored to specific design and functional requirements.