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Video Feed List


The LMFeedVideoFeedListView widget is a paginated list view that displays video posts in a feed format. It efficiently loads and manages video content through pagination, ensuring smooth scrolling and data retrieval.


  • pageSize (int) - (Optional, Default: 10)
    The number of video posts loaded per page during pagination.

  • feedType (LMFeedType) - (Optional, Default: LMFeedType.universal)
    Specifies the type of feed being displayed. It can be:

    • LMFeedType.universal - Shows all posts.
    • LMFeedType.personalized - Displays posts personalized to the user.


Below is an example of how to use LMFeedVideoFeedListView to display a paginated video feed.

Example Code

pageSize: 10,
feedType: LMFeedType.universal,