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LMFeedPostTopic is a widget that represents the topic section of a post in a feed. It displays a list of topics associated with the post using topic chips. The topics can be customized and styled based on the provided LMFeedPostTopicStyle.

The LMFeedPostTopic widget is a part of the likeminds_feed_flutter_ui package. It is designed to be used within an LMFeedPostWidget to display the topics related to a post.


  • post (LMPostViewData) - Required

The post data associated with the topics. This is a required parameter.

  • topics (List<LMTopicViewData>) - Required

The list of topics to be displayed for the post. This is a required parameter.

  • topicChipBuilder (Widget Function(BuildContext, LMFeedTopicChip))

A builder function that allows customization of the topic chips. It takes the BuildContext and an LMFeedTopicChip as parameters and returns a custom widget. This is an optional parameter.

  • style (LMFeedPostTopicStyle)

The style configuration for the post topic section. It allows customization of the margin, padding, and styles for active and inactive topic chips. This is an optional parameter.


The LMFeedPostTopicStyle class allows you to customize the appearance of the LMFeedPostTopic widget.

Customization variables

marginEdgeInsetsThe margin around the post topic section.
paddingEdgeInsetsThe padding within the post topic section.
activeChipStyleLMFeedTopicChipStyleThe style configuration for active topic chips.
inactiveChipStyleLMFeedTopicChipStyleThe style configuration for inactive topic chips.

You can create an instance of LMFeedPostTopicStyle and pass it to the LMFeedPostTopic widget to customize its appearance.

Usage Example

post: LMPostViewData(
id: "post123",
text: "This is a sample post",
topics: [
LMTopicViewData(id: "topic1", name: "Topic 1"),
LMTopicViewData(id: "topic2", name: "Topic 2"),
topics: [
LMTopicViewData(id: "topic1", name: "Topic 1"),
LMTopicViewData(id: "topic2", name: "Topic 2"),
topicChipBuilder: (context, topicChip) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
// Handle topic chip tap
print("Tapped on topic: ${}");
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12, vertical: 6),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16),
child: Text(,
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 14,
style: LMFeedPostTopicStyle(
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8),
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16),
activeChipStyle: LMFeedTopicChipStyle(
textStyle: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
inactiveChipStyle: LMFeedTopicChipStyle(
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[300],
textStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,

In this example, an LMFeedPostTopic widget is created with the required post and topics parameters. The topicChipBuilder parameter is used to provide a custom builder function that wraps the topic chips with a GestureDetector to handle tap events. The style parameter is used to customize the margin, padding, and styles for active and inactive topic chips using the LMFeedPostTopicStyle class.