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LMFeedPostMedia is a widget that represents the media section of a post in a feed. It supports various types of media attachments, including images, videos, documents, and link previews. The widget provides a consistent and customizable way to display media attachments within a post.


The LMFeedPostMedia widget is a part of the likeminds_feed_flutter_ui package. It is designed to be used within an LMFeedPostWidget to display media attachments associated with a post.


  • postId (String) - Required

The unique identifier of the post. This is a required parameter.

  • attachments (List<LMAttachmentViewData>) - Required

The list of media attachments associated with the post. This is a required parameter.

  • title (LMFeedText)

The title text widget for the media section. This is an optional parameter.

  • subtitle (LMFeedText)

The subtitle text widget for the media section. This is an optional parameter.

  • onError (Function(String, StackTrace))

A callback function that is called when an error occurs while loading or displaying the media attachments. It receives the error message and stack trace as parameters. This is an optional parameter.

  • onMediaTap (VoidCallback)

A callback function that is called when a media attachment is tapped. This is an optional parameter.

  • style (LMFeedPostMediaStyle)

An instance of LMFeedPostMediaStyle to customize the appearance of the media section. This is an optional parameter.


The LMFeedPostMediaStyle class allows you to customize the appearance of different types of media attachments within the LMFeedPostMedia widget.

Customization variables

videoStyleLMFeedPostVideoStyleThe style configuration for video attachments.Yes
imageStyleLMFeedPostImageStyleThe style configuration for image attachments.Yes
documentStyleLMFeedPostDocumentStyleThe style configuration for document attachments.Yes
linkStyleLMFeedPostLinkPreviewStyleThe style configuration for link preview attachments.Yes
pollStyleLMFeedPollStyleThe style configuration for poll widget.No
carouselStyleLMFeedPostCarouselStyleThe style configuration for carousel-style media attachments.Yes

You can create an instance of LMFeedPostMediaStyle and pass it to the LMFeedPostMedia widget to customize the appearance of media attachments.

Usage Example

postId: "post123",
attachments: [
attachmentType: 1,
attachmentMeta: LMAttachmentMeta(
url: "",
width: 800,
height: 600,
attachmentType: 2,
attachmentMeta: LMAttachmentMeta(
url: "",
duration: 120,
title: LMFeedText(text: "Media Attachments"),
subtitle: LMFeedText(text: "Images and Videos"),
onError: (error, stackTrace) {
// Handle error
print("Error: $error");
onMediaTap: () {
// Handle media tap
print("Media tapped");
style: LMFeedPostMediaStyle(
videoStyle: LMFeedPostVideoStyle(
// Customize video style
imageStyle: LMFeedPostImageStyle(
// Customize image style
documentStyle: LMFeedPostDocumentStyle(
// Customize document style
linkStyle: LMFeedPostLinkPreviewStyle(
// Customize link preview style
carouselStyle: LMFeedPostCarouselStyle(
// Customize carousel style

In this example, an LMFeedPostMedia widget is created with a postId and a list of attachments. The title and subtitle properties are used to provide additional information about the media section. The onError and onMediaTap callbacks are used to handle errors and media tap events, respectively. The style property is used to customize the appearance of different types of media attachments using the LMFeedPostMediaStyle class.