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LMFeedVideo is a widget that displays a video within a feed post. It supports playing videos from a URL or a local file. The widget provides customization options for styling the video player, handling playback controls, and responding to media events.


The LMFeedVideo widget is part of the likeminds_feed_flutter_ui package. It is designed to be used within an LMFeedPostWidget to display videos associated with a post.


  • postId (String) - Required

The unique identifier of the post associated with the video. This is a required parameter.

  • videoUrl (String)

The URL of the video to be played. Either videoUrl or videoFile must be provided.

  • videoFile (File)

The local file representing the video to be played. Either videoUrl or videoFile must be provided.

  • playButton (LMFeedButton)

A custom button widget for the play action. This is an optional parameter.

  • pauseButton (LMFeedButton)

A custom button widget for the pause action. This is an optional parameter.

  • muteButton (LMFeedButton)

A custom button widget for the mute action. This is an optional parameter.

  • isMute (bool)

A flag indicating whether the video should be initially muted. This is an optional parameter with a default value of true.

  • style (LMFeedPostVideoStyle)

The style configuration for the video player. It allows customization of the video player's appearance and behavior. This is an optional parameter.

  • onMediaTap (VoidCallback)

A callback function that is invoked when the video is tapped. This is an optional parameter.

  • autoPlay (bool)

A flag indicating whether the video should automatically start playing. This is an optional parameter with a default value of false.


The LMFeedPostVideoStyle class allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the LMFeedVideo widget.

Customization variables

heightdoubleThe height of the video player.
widthdoubleThe width of the video player.
aspectRatiodoubleThe aspect ratio of the video player.16:9
borderRadiusBorderRadiusThe border radius of the video player.0
borderColorColorThe border color of the video player.
borderWidthdoubleThe border width of the video player.
boxFitBoxFitHow the video should be inscribed into the layout bounds.BoxFit.cover
seekBarColorColorThe color of the seek bar.
seekBarBufferColorColorThe color of the seek bar buffer.
progressTextStyleTextStyleThe text style for the progress text.
loaderWidgetWidgetThe widget to be displayed while the video is loading.
errorWidgetWidgetThe widget to be displayed when an error occurs.
shimmerWidgetWidgetThe shimmer widget to be displayed while the video is loading.
playButtonLMFeedButtonThe custom play button widget.
pauseButtonLMFeedButtonThe custom pause button widget.
muteButtonLMFeedButtonThe custom mute button widget.
showControlsboolWhether to show the default video controls.
autoPlayboolWhether to automatically start playing the video.
loopingboolWhether to loop the video playback.
allowFullScreenboolWhether to allow entering full-screen mode.
allowMutingboolWhether to allow muting the video.

You can create an instance of LMFeedPostVideoStyle and pass it to the LMFeedVideo widget to customize its appearance and behavior.

Usage Example

postId: 'post123',
videoUrl: '',
playButton: LMFeedButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.play_arrow),
onTap: () {
// Handle play button tap
pauseButton: LMFeedButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.pause),
onTap: () {
// Handle pause button tap
muteButton: LMFeedButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.volume_off),
onTap: () {
// Handle mute button tap
isMute: false,
style: LMFeedPostVideoStyle(
height: 200,
width: double.infinity,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
borderColor: Colors.grey,
loaderWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),
errorWidget: Icon(Icons.error),
shimmerWidget: LMPostMediaShimmer(),
showControls: true,
autoPlay: true,
looping: false,
allowFullScreen: true,
allowMuting: true,
onMediaTap: () {
// Handle video tap
autoPlay: false,

In this example, an LMFeedVideo widget is created with the postId and videoUrl properties set to identify the post and provide the video URL. Custom play, pause, and mute buttons are provided using the playButton, pauseButton, and muteButton properties. The isMute property is set to false to unmute the video initially. The appearance and behavior of the video player are customized using the LMFeedPostVideoStyle class, specifying various properties such as height, width, aspect ratio, border radius, border color, seek bar color, loader widget, error widget, shimmer widget, and control options. The onMediaTap callback is used to handle taps on the video, and the autoPlay property is set to false to prevent automatic playback.