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LMFeedCarousel is a widget that displays a carousel of media items (images or videos) within a feed post. It allows users to swipe through multiple media attachments associated with a post. The widget provides customization options for styling the carousel and handling media-related events.


The LMFeedCarousel widget is part of the likeminds_feed_flutter_ui package. It is designed to be used within an LMFeedPostWidget to display a carousel of media items associated with a post.


  • attachments (List<LMAttachmentViewData>) - Required

The list of media attachments to be displayed in the carousel. This is a required parameter.

  • postId (String) - Required

The unique identifier of the post associated with the carousel. This is a required parameter.

  • imageItem (LMFeedImage)

A custom image widget to be used for displaying image attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • videoItem (LMFeedVideo)

A custom video widget to be used for displaying video attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • imageBuilder (Widget Function(LMFeedImage))

A builder function that takes an LMFeedImage widget and returns a custom widget for displaying image attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • videoBuilder (Widget Function(LMFeedVideo))

A builder function that takes an LMFeedVideo widget and returns a custom widget for displaying video attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • videoStyle (LMFeedPostVideoStyle)

The style configuration for video attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • imageStyle (LMFeedPostImageStyle)

The style configuration for image attachments in the carousel. This is an optional parameter.

  • style (LMFeedPostCarouselStyle)

The style configuration for the carousel itself. It allows customization of the carousel's appearance and behavior. This is an optional parameter.

  • onError (Function(String, StackTrace))

A callback function that is invoked when an error occurs while loading or displaying media attachments in the carousel. It takes the error message and stack trace as parameters. This is an optional parameter.

  • onMediaTap (VoidCallback)

A callback function that is invoked when a media item in the carousel is tapped. This is an optional parameter.


The LMFeedPostCarouselStyle class allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the LMFeedCarousel widget.

Customization variables

carouselOptionsCarouselOptionsThe options for configuring the carousel behavior.
activeIndicatorColorColorThe color of the active indicator dot.
inActiveIndicatorColorColorThe color of the inactive indicator dots.
indicatorHeightdoubleThe height of the indicator dots.
indicatorWidthdoubleThe width of the indicator dots.
indicatorMarginEdgeInsetsThe margin around the indicator dots.
indicatorPaddingEdgeInsetsThe padding within the indicator dots.
indicatorBorderRadiusBorderRadiusThe border radius of the indicator dots.
showIndicatorboolWhether to show the indicator dots.
carouselHeightdoubleThe height of the carousel container.
carouselWidthdoubleThe width of the carousel container.
carouselBorderRadiusBorderRadiusThe border radius of the carousel container.
carouselBorderBorderThe border of the carousel container.
carouselMarginEdgeInsetsThe margin around the carousel container.
carouselPaddingEdgeInsetsThe padding within the carousel container.
carouselShadowList\<BoxShadow>The box shadow for the carousel container.

You can create an instance of LMFeedPostCarouselStyle and pass it to the LMFeedCarousel widget to customize its appearance and behavior.

Usage Example

attachments: [
attachmentType: 1,
attachmentMeta: LMAttachmentMeta(
url: 'your-attachment-url',
attachmentType: 2,
attachmentMeta: LMAttachmentMeta(
url: 'your-attachment-url',
attachmentType: 1,
attachmentMeta: LMAttachmentMeta(
url: 'your-attachment-url',
postId: 'your-post-id',
imageStyle: LMFeedPostImageStyle(
// Customize image style
videoStyle: LMFeedPostVideoStyle(
// Customize video style
style: LMFeedPostCarouselStyle(
carouselOptions: CarouselOptions(
autoPlay: true,
enableInfiniteScroll: false,
viewportFraction: 1.0,
inActiveIndicatorColor: Colors.grey,
indicatorHeight: 10,
indicatorWidth: 10,
showIndicator: true,
carouselHeight: 300,
carouselBorderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
carouselMargin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16),
carouselPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
carouselShadow: [
blurRadius: 4,
offset: Offset(0, 2),
onError: (error, stackTrace) {
// Handle media loading error
print('Error loading media: $error');
onMediaTap: () {
// Handle media tap
print('Media item tapped');

In this example, an LMFeedCarousel widget is created with a list of attachments containing both image and video attachments. The postId is provided to identify the associated post. The imageStyle and videoStyle properties are used to customize the appearance of image and video attachments within the carousel. The style property is used to customize the appearance and behavior of the carousel itself, specifying options such as auto-play, indicator colors, indicator size, carousel height, border radius, margin, padding, and box shadow. The onError callback is provided to handle any errors that occur while loading media attachments, and the onMediaTap callback is invoked when a media item in the carousel is tapped.