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LMFeedLoader is a simple widget designed to display a circular progress indicator within the Flutter UI library. It provides a loading indicator that can be customized with different colors and styles.


The LMFeedLoader widget is used to indicate that some process or data loading is in progress. It can be easily integrated into your application's UI to provide visual feedback to the user during loading operations.


  • isPrimary (bool)

A boolean value that determines whether the loader should use the primary color defined in the LMFeedTheme or a fallback color (white). If set to true, the loader will use the primary color; otherwise, it will use the fallback color.

  • color (Color)

An optional Color value that overrides the default color of the loader. If provided, this color will be used instead of the primary or fallback color.


The LMFeedLoader widget does not have a dedicated styling class. However, you can customize the appearance of the loader by providing the desired color or setting the isPrimary property to choose between the primary color or a fallback color.

Usage Example

// Using the primary color
isPrimary: true,

// Using a custom color
isPrimary: false,

In the first example, the LMFeedLoader is displayed using the primary color defined in the LMFeedTheme. In the second example, a custom blue color is used for the loader.