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LMFeedFloatingActionButton is a customizable widget designed for displaying a floating action button within the Flutter UI library. It supports both collapsed and expanded states, allowing for the display of text alongside the button icon in the expanded state.


The LMFeedFloatingActionButton widget provides a flexible and configurable floating action button that can be used in various parts of your application. It allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the button, including its background color, icon, and animation properties.


  • isCollapsed (bool)

A boolean value that determines whether the floating action button should be displayed in a collapsed or expanded state. When collapsed, only the icon is shown. When expanded, both the icon and text are displayed.

  • text (String)

An optional string representing the text to be displayed alongside the button icon in the expanded state.

  • onTap (VoidCallback)

An optional callback function that is invoked when the floating action button is tapped.


The LMFeedFloatingActionButtonStyle class provides a way to define the visual style and behavior of the floating action button. It includes properties for background color, icon, collapsed and expanded dimensions, text visibility, and animation properties.

Customization variables

backgroundColorColorBackground color of the floating action button
collapsedHeightdoubleHeight of the button in the collapsed state
collapsedWidthdoubleWidth of the button in the collapsed state
expandedHeightdoubleHeight of the button in the expanded state
expandedWidthdoubleWidth of the button in the expanded state
iconLMFeedIconIcon to be displayed in the floating action button
showTextOnCollapsedboolWhether to show text when the button is in the collapsed state
showTextOnExpandedboolWhether to show text when the button is in the expanded state
animationDurationDurationDuration of the animation when transitioning between states
animationCurveCurveCurve to be used for the animation when transitioning

Usage Example

isCollapsed: false,
text: 'Create Post',
onTap: () {
// Handle button tap
style: LMFeedFloatingActionButtonStyle(
icon: LMFeedIcon(
type: LMFeedIconType.icon,
icon: Icons.edit,
style: LMFeedIconStyle(
color: Colors.white,
expandedHeight: 48,
expandedWidth: 200,
showTextOnExpanded: true,

This example creates an expanded LMFeedFloatingActionButton with the text "Create Post" and an edit icon. The button is styled with a blue background color, and the icon is displayed in white. The expanded height and width are set to 48 and 200, respectively, and the text is shown in the expanded state. When tapped, it triggers the onTap callback function, allowing you to handle the button's action.