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Get Group Chatrooms

Retrieves chatrooms and provides real-time updates using a Realm observer. This function allows users to fetch chatrooms and stay updated on any changes to the chatroom list.

Steps to get chatrooms with observer

  1. Create an object that conforms to the HomeFeedClientObserver protocol.
  2. Implement the required methods of the protocol in your object.
  3. Call getChatrooms(withObserver:) function using the instance of LMChatClient.
  4. Process the initial data and subsequent changes in your observer methods.
class MyChatroomObserver: HomeFeedClientObserver {
func initial(_ chatrooms: [Chatroom]) {
// Process initial list of chatrooms

func onChange(removed: [Chatroom], inserted: [(Int, Chatroom)], updated: [(Int, Chatroom)]) {
// Handle changes to the chatroom list

let observer = MyChatroomObserver()
LMChatClient.shared.getChatrooms(withObserver: observer)

This function uses a Realm observer to provide real-time updates. Make sure to keep a strong reference to your observer object to prevent it from being deallocated.



  • initial(_ chatrooms: [Chatroom]): This method is called when the initial list of chatrooms is fetched. Use this to set up your initial UI or data structures.

  • onChange(removed: [Chatroom], inserted: [(Int, Chatroom)], updated: [(Int, Chatroom)]): This method is called whenever there are changes to the chatroom list:

    • removed: An array of chatrooms that have been removed.
    • inserted: An array of tuples containing the index and the new chatroom that has been inserted.
    • updated: An array of tuples containing the index and the chatroom that has been updated.