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LMChatBubbleFooter renders additional information like timestamps, message status, and pending icons at the bottom of a chat bubble.


  1. conversation (LMChatConversationViewData)
    The conversation data associated with the chat bubble.

  2. textWidth (double?)
    Optional width for the footer.

  3. pendingTimer (LMChatIcon?)
    Optional icon indicating a pending message timer.

Note: These properties are only a subset. More can be found inside the widget class. You can refer to the relevant widget class for more reference.



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LMChatBubbleFooterStyle allows customization of the footer’s layout, alignment, and styles for text and icons.

timeStampStyleLMChatTextStyle?Style for the timestamp textNoNone
pendingIconStyleLMChatIconStyle?Style for the pending iconNoNone
mainAxisAlignmentMainAxisAlignment?Alignment along the main axisNoEnd

Note: These properties are only a subset. More can be found inside the style class. You can refer to the relevant style class for more reference.

Example Usage

final footer = LMChatBubbleFooter(
conversation: conversationData,
textWidth: 200.0,
pendingTimer: LMChatIcon(iconData: Icons.timer),
style: LMChatBubbleFooterStyle(
timeStampStyle: LMChatTextStyle(
textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 10, color: Colors.grey),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,