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LMChatRoomTopic is a widget designed to represent topics within a chatroom interface, offering customization for headers, footers, and user interaction.


  1. key (Key?)
    Optional. Inherited from super.key.

  2. conversation (LMChatConversationViewData)
    Required. Contains the data of the conversation to display.

  3. onTap (Function)
    Required. Callback function triggered when the topic is tapped.

  4. leading (Widget?)
    Optional. A widget to display at the start of the topic (e.g., an avatar or icon).

  5. trailing (Widget?)
    Optional. A widget to display at the end of the topic (e.g., a button or status indicator).

Note: Rest of the properties can be found in the widget class file.


There are no dedicated style classes referenced in this widget.

Example Usage

final chatRoomTopic = LMChatRoomTopic(
conversation: conversationData,
onTap: () => print('Topic tapped!'),
leading: Icon(,
trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward),