📄️ Get Chatroom
A chatroom is a place where users can interact with each other. LikeMinds React Chat SDK supports different types of chatrooms, including:
📄️ View Participants
To retrieve the list of participants in a chatroom, LikeMinds React Chat SDK provides this feature. It enables you to retrieve user details, such as usernames or profile information, for better engagement and interaction within the chatroom.
📄️ Join Chatroom
Joining a chatroom with LikeMinds React Chat SDK allows you to receive all the conversations happening within that chatroom.Experience real-time engagement and never miss out on any important conversations by joining the chatroom using LikeMinds React Chat SDK.
📄️ Leave Chatroom
Leaving a chatroom with LikeMind React Chat SDK allows you to exit a chatroom that you no longer want to be a part of.
📄️ Mark Read Chatroom
In LikeMinds React Chat SDK, you have the ability to mark conversations within a chatroom as read. This feature enables you to keep track of your chatroom discussions and easily identify which messages have been viewed or not.
📄️ Mute/Unmute Chatroom
Muting a chatroom in LikeMinds React Chat SDK ensures that you won't receive any notifications for new conversations happen within that chatroom.
📄️ Search Conversation Inside a Chatroom
LikeMinds React Chat SDK provides you with the ability to search for the conversations inside a chatroom. This enables you to quickly look for the conversation through a search key instead of endlessly scrolling up for that.
🗃️ Group Chat
2 items
🗃️ Direct Messages
4 items