📄️ Post Poll Conversation
The postPollConversation() method allows you to post a poll in a chatroom, either as a new conversation or as a reply. It requires a variety of parameters, including the chatroom ID, poll options, and additional configuration like anonymity and the expiry time.
📄️ Submit Poll
The submitPoll() method is used to submit the poll responses for a specific conversation. This requires the conversationId and the selected polls that are submitted by the user.
📄️ Get Poll Users
The getPollUsers() method is used to fetch users who participated in a poll within a specific conversation. The request requires pollId and conversationId to retrieve the poll users. The response returns a list of User entities.
📄️ Add Poll Option
The addPollOption() method allows you to add an option to a poll in a specific conversation. The request requires the poll text and the conversationId. The response provides the added poll option.