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Mute Chatroom

Muting a chatroom in LikeMinds Flutter Chat SDK ensures that you won't receive any notifications for new posts within that chatroom. This feature allows you to customize your notification preferences and avoid interruptions when you don't wish to be notified of new messages.

Steps to Mute a Chatroom

  1. Create an object of the MuteChatroomRequest class.
  2. For muting a chatroom call muteChatroom() present in LMChatClient class using your request object.
  3. Process the response (LMResponse<MuteChatroomResponse>) as per your requirement.
MuteChatroomRequest request = (MuteChatroomRequestBuilder()

LMResponse<MuteChatroomResponse> response =
await lmChatClient.muteChatroom(request);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message



List of parameters for the MuteChatroomRequest class

chatroomIdintChatroom Id
valueboolMute value


List of parameters for the MuteChatroomResponse class

successboolAPI success status
errorMessageString?Error message in case of failure✔️