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Common Models

Following are the common models used throughout the SDK. These models are referenced wherever required.


This is a wrapper class for all the responses returned by the SDK. It contains the following parameters:

successboolAPI success status
errorMessageString?Error message in case of failure✔️
datadynamicObject of specific response data class


List of parameters used in User

idintunique id of the user
nameStringname of the user
imageUrlStringprofile image url of the user✔️
isGuestboolis user a guest✔️
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user
organisationNameStringname of the organisation✔️
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfosdk client info✔️
updatedAtinttimestamp of last update✔️
isOwnerboolis user an owner✔️
customTitleStringcustom title of the user✔️
memberSinceStringdate of joining the community✔️
routeStringroute of the user✔️
stateintstate of the user✔️
communityIdintunique id of the community✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of user creation✔️


List of parameters used in SDKClientInfo

communityintunique id of the community
userintunique id of the user
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user


List of parameters used in Community

idintunique id of the community
nameStringname of the community
imageUrlStringprofile image url of the community✔️


List of parameters used in ChatRoom

idintunique id of the chatroom
titleStringtitle of the chatroom
headerStringheader of the chatroom
communityIdintunique id of the community
communityNameStringname of the community
chatroomImageUrlStringprofile image url of the chatroom✔️
autoFollowDoneboolis auto follow done✔️
cardCreationTimeStringcard creation time✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of creation✔️
lastConversationIdintunique id of last conversation✔️
dateStringdate of the chatroom✔️
dateEpochintepoch of the date✔️
dateTimeinttimestamp of the date✔️
followStatusboolis user following the chatroom✔️
includeMembersLaterboolis members included later✔️
isPrivateboolis chatroom private✔️
isPrivateMemberboolis user a private member✔️
isSecretboolis chatroom secret✔️
isTaggedboolis chatroom tagged✔️
memberChatRoomMembermember of the chatroom✔️
muteStatusboolis chatroom muted✔️
reactionsList<dynamic>list of reactions✔️
secretChatroomLeftboolis secret chatroom left✔️
stateintstate of the chatroom✔️
typeinttype of the chatroom✔️
participantCountintcount of participants✔️


List of parameters used in ChatoomAction

idintunique id of the chatroom action
titleStringtitle of the chatroom action


List of parameters used in Conversation

allowAddOptionboolis add option allowed✔️
answerStringanswer of the conversation✔️
attachmentCountintcount of attachments✔️
attachmentsList<dynamic>list of attachments✔️
attachmentsUploadedboolis attachments uploaded✔️
chatroomIdintunique id of the chatroom✔️
communityIdintunique id of the community✔️
createdAtStringtimestamp of creation✔️
createdEpochintepoch of creation✔️
dateStringdate of the conversation✔️
deletedByUserIdintunique id of deleted user✔️
deviceIdStringunique id of the device✔️
endTimeintend time of the conversation✔️
expiryTimeintexpiry time of the conversation✔️
hasFilesboolis conversation has files✔️
hasReactionsboolis conversation has reactions✔️
idintunique id of the conversation✔️
internalLinkStringinternal link of the conversation✔️
isAnonymousboolis conversation anonymous✔️
isEditedboolis conversation edited✔️
lastUpdatedinttimestamp of last update✔️
multipleSelectNointmultiple select number✔️
multipleSelectStateintmultiple select state✔️
ogTagsOgTagstags of the conversation✔️
pollAnswerTextStringanswer of the poll✔️
pollTypeinttype of the poll✔️
replyChatroomIdintunique id of the reply chatroom✔️
replyIdintunique id of the reply✔️
stateintstate of the conversation✔️
temporaryIdStringunique id of the temporary conversation✔️
userIdintunique id of the user✔️
memberIdintunique id of the member✔️
toShowResultsboolis show results✔️
pollTypeTextStringtype of the poll text✔️
submitTypeTextStringtype of the submit text✔️
isTimeStampboolis time stamp✔️


List of parameters used in Attachment

answerIdintunique id of the answer✔️
createdAtinttimestamp of creation✔️
dimensionsdynamicdimensions of the attachment✔️
fileUrlStringurl of the file✔️
urlStringurl of the attachment✔️
heightdynamicheight of the attachment✔️
idintunique id of the attachment✔️
indexintindex of the attachment✔️
metadynamicmeta of the attachment✔️
nameStringname of the attachment✔️
thumbnailUrlStringthumbnail url of the attachment✔️
typeStringtype of the attachment✔️
widthdynamicwidth of the attachment✔️


List of parameters used in UserTag

nameStringname of the user✔️
imageUrlStringurl of the image✔️
customTitleStringcustom title of the user✔️
idintunique id of the user✔️
isGuestboolis user guest✔️
userUniqueIdStringunique id of the user✔️


List of parameters used in OgTags

descriptionStringdescription of the og tags✔️
imageStringimage of the og tags✔️
titleStringtitle of the og tags✔️
urlStringurl of the og tags✔️