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Join Chatroom

Joining a chatroom with LikeMinds Flutter Chat SDK allows you to receive timely notifications for all conversations happening within that chatroom.Experience real-time engagement and never miss out on any important conversations by joining the chatroom using LikeMinds Flutter Chat SDK.

Steps to follow a chatroom

  1. Create an object of the FollowChatroomRequest class, pass true to value.
  2. For following a chatroom call followChatroom() present in LMChatClient class using your request object.
  3. Process the response (LMResponse<FollowChatroomResponse>) as per your requirement.
// To leave a chatroom, set the value to false
FollowChatroomRequest request = (FollowChatroomRequestBuilder()

LMResponse<FollowChatroomResponse> response =
await lmChatClient.followChatroom(request);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message



List of parameters for the FollowChatroomRequest class

chatroomIdintChatroom Id
memberIdintMember Id✔️
valueboolFollow value


List of parameters for the FollowChatroomResponse class

successboolAPI success status
errorMessageString?Error message in case of failure✔️