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Validate User

To start using the LikeMinds Feed and enable personalized experiences for your users, you need to validate them within the system. This process associates a user in your application with a user in the LikeMinds Feed, allowing for seamless integration and personalized recommendations.

Steps to validate a User

  1. Use the validateUser() function provided by the lmFeedClient object created earlier.
  2. Create an instance of ValidateUserRequest, as shown in the snippet and pass it to the above method.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement
try {
const validateUserRequest = ValidateUserRequest.builder()
const response = await lmFeedClient.validateUser(validateUserRequest);
// Use the response as per your requirement.
} catch (error) {
// Use the error as per your requirement.

We suggest that you use the unique ID from your database for the user so that you do not have to save the one we generate.



accessTokenstringAccess Token
refreshTokenstringRefresh Token


accessTokenstringAccess Token
refreshTokenstringRefresh Token
userUserRefresh Token
communityCommunityRefresh Token
appAccessbooleanRefresh Token


idstringAccess Token
namestringRefresh Token
imageUrlstringRefresh Token
membersCountintRefresh Token
updatedAtintRefresh Token