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User Onboarding

To track a user's onboarding status upon app launch, the key isUserOnboardingDone stores a boolean value indicating whether onboarding is complete (true) or incomplete (false).

Steps to get isUserOnboardingDone key

  1. Use the getIsUserOnboardingDone() function provided by the lmFeedClient object created earlier.
try {
let isUserOnboardingDone = await Client.myClient?.getIsUserOnboardingDone();
if (isUserSet?.getData() == null) return false;
return isUserSet.getData();
} catch (error) {
return false;

Steps to set isUserOnboardingDone key

  1. Use the setIsUserOnboardingDone() function provided by the lmFeedClient object created earlier.
  2. Call the above function with a boolean parameter i.e true or false.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement.
try {
const response = await Client.myClient?.setIsUserOnboardingDone(<"BOOLEAN_ONBOARDING_STATUS">);
if (response?.getData() == true) return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
return false;