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idStringUnique ID of the post.
textStringText content of the post.
attachmentsAttachment[]List of attached medias in the post. Maximum size is 10.
communityIdIntUnique ID of the community.
isLikedBooltrue if the user has liked the post, false otherwise.
isEditedBooltrue if the post was edited, false otherwise.
isPinnedBooltrue if the post is pinned, false otherwise.
userIdStringUnique ID of post creator.
uuidStringUnique ID of post creator. creator.
likesCountIntNumber of users that liked the post.
commentsCountIntNumber of users that commented on the post.
isSavedBooltrue if the user has saved the post, false otherwise.
menuItemsMenuItem[]List of actions as menu items on the post.
repliesComment[]List of comments on the post.
createdAtIntTimestamp when the post was created.
updatedAtIntTimestamp when the post was last updated.
headingStringHeading of the post.
tempIdStringTemporary ID of post.
topicIdsString[]List of ids of the topics added in the post.
isAnonymousbooleantrue if the post is anonymous, false otherwise.
isHiddenbooleantrue if the post is hidden


attachmentTypeIntType of attachment.
1 - Image
2 - Video
3 - Document
4 - Link
5 - Custom widget
6 - Poll
attachmentMetaAttachmentMetaDownload url of attachment.


nameStringName of the attachment.
urlStringDownload url of attachment.
formatStringFormat of attachment (pdf, etc.).
sizeIntSize of attachment in bytes.
durationIntDuration of video attachment in seconds.
pageCountIntNumber of pages in pdf attachment.
ogTagsOGTagsOGTags for link type attachment.
thumbnailUrlStringThumbnail url for the attached media.
coverImageUrlStringCover Image url for the attached media.
titleStringTitle for the attached media.
bodyStringBody for the attached media.
pollQuestionStringPoll question for the attached media.
expiryTimeIntExpiry time for the attached media, in case of poll.
optionsString[]Poll options for the attached media.
multipleSelectStatePollMultipleSelectStateIt determines that how many choices a participant can or must select to submit their response.
pollTypePollTypeIt determines when the poll results are revealed to participants.
multipleSelectNumberIntNumber of selectable options for the attached media, in case of poll.
isAnonymousBooleanIf the attached media has be be anonymous.
allowAddOptionBooleanIf an user can add options to the attached media, in case of poll.
entityIdStringEntity id for the attached media.
metaRecord<string, any>Meta data for the custom widget.


PollMultipleSelectStateenumEnum representing the poll selection state

Enum Values for PollMultipleSelectState

EXACTLYThe selection must match exactly
AT_MAXThe selection can be up to a maximum
AT_LEASTThe selection must meet a minimum


PollTypeenumEnum representing the poll type

Enum Values for PollType

INSTANTPoll results are available immediately
DEFERREDPoll results are revealed later


titleStringLink title.
imageStringLink image url.
descriptionStringLink description.
urlStringLink url.
idIntID of the menu item.
titleStringTitle of the menu item.


idstringId of the post.
lmMetaRecord<string,any>LMMeta data of the post.✔️
createdAtnumberPost creation date.
metadataRecord<string,any>Meta data of the post.
parentEntityIdstringEntity id of the parent post.
parentEntityTypestringEntity type of the parent post.
updatedAtnumberPost latest updation date.


idstringUnique identifier for the feed item.
attachmentsAttachment[]List of attachments associated with the post.
commentsCountnumberNumber of comments on the post.
communityIdnumberIdentifier for the community of the post.
createdAtnumberTimestamp indicating when the post was created.
isEditedbooleanFlag indicating if the post was edited.
isLikedbooleanIndicates if the user has liked the post.
levelnumberDepth level or hierarchy of the post.
likesCountnumberTotal number of likes on the post.
menuItemsMenuItem[]List of menu items or actions available.
postIdstringUnique identifier for the post.
tempIdstring | nullTemporary ID used during post creation.
textstringText content of the post.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp indicating the last update of the post.
userIdstringID of the user who created the post.
uuidstringUniversal unique identifier for the post.