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Activity View Data Model


idstringUnique identifier for the activity
isReadbooleanIndicates if the activity has been read
actionOnstringThe type of action that occurred
actionBystring[]List of user IDs who performed the action
entityTypenumberType of the associated entity
entityIdstringID of the associated entity
entityOwnerIdstringID of the owner of the associated entity
actionnumberNumerical representation of the action
ctastringCall to action text
activityTextstringText describing the activity
activityEntityDataLMActivityEntityViewDataAdditional data related to the activity entity✔️
activityByUserLMUserViewDataUser who performed the activity
createdAtnumberTimestamp when the activity was created
updatedAtnumberTimestamp when the activity was last updated
uuidstringUnique universal identifier for the activity


idstringUnique identifier for the activity entity
textstringText content of the activity entity
deleteReasonstringReason for deletion✔️
deletedBystringIdentifier for the user who deleted the entity✔️
headingstringHeading for the activity entity✔️
attachmentsLMAttachmentViewData[]List of attachments associated with the entity✔️
communityIdnumberID of the community to which the entity belongs
isEditedbooleanIndicates if the activity entity has been edited
isPinnedbooleanIndicates if the activity entity is pinned✔️
userIdstringID of the user who created the entity
userLMUserViewDataUser details of the creator
repliesLMCommentViewData[]List of replies (comments) on the activity entity✔️
levelnumberDepth level of the entity in a thread✔️
createdAtnumberTimestamp of when the entity was created
updatedAtnumberTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
uuidstringUnique universal identifier for the entity
deletedByUUIDstringUUID of the user who deleted the entity✔️
postIdstringID of the related post✔️