Activity View Data Model
id | string | Unique identifier for the activity | |
isRead | boolean | Indicates if the activity has been read | |
actionOn | string | The type of action that occurred | |
actionBy | string[] | List of user IDs who performed the action | |
entityType | number | Type of the associated entity | |
entityId | string | ID of the associated entity | |
entityOwnerId | string | ID of the owner of the associated entity | |
action | number | Numerical representation of the action | |
cta | string | Call to action text | |
activityText | string | Text describing the activity | |
activityEntityData | LMActivityEntityViewData | Additional data related to the activity entity | ✔️ |
activityByUser | LMUserViewData | User who performed the activity | |
createdAt | number | Timestamp when the activity was created | |
updatedAt | number | Timestamp when the activity was last updated | |
uuid | string | Unique universal identifier for the activity |
id | string | Unique identifier for the activity entity | |
text | string | Text content of the activity entity | |
deleteReason | string | Reason for deletion | ✔️ |
deletedBy | string | Identifier for the user who deleted the entity | ✔️ |
heading | string | Heading for the activity entity | ✔️ |
attachments | LMAttachmentViewData[] | List of attachments associated with the entity | ✔️ |
communityId | number | ID of the community to which the entity belongs | |
isEdited | boolean | Indicates if the activity entity has been edited | |
isPinned | boolean | Indicates if the activity entity is pinned | ✔️ |
userId | string | ID of the user who created the entity | |
user | LMUserViewData | User details of the creator | |
replies | LMCommentViewData[] | List of replies (comments) on the activity entity | ✔️ |
level | number | Depth level of the entity in a thread | ✔️ |
createdAt | number | Timestamp of when the entity was created | |
updatedAt | number | Timestamp of when the entity was last updated | |
uuid | string | Unique universal identifier for the entity | |
deletedByUUID | string | UUID of the user who deleted the entity | ✔️ |
postId | string | ID of the related post | ✔️ |