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Topic Cell


LMFeedPostTopicCell is a subclass of LMPostWidgetTableViewCell used for displaying topics in the LikeMinds Feed module. It showcases the topics associated with a post, allowing users to see and interact with them. The layout is managed using Auto Layout to ensure proper arrangement and sizing of the topic view.





Conforms to LMPostWidgetTableViewCellProtocol. It includes functions for handling interactions within the topic cell:

  • No specific protocol methods are defined for LMFeedPostTopicCell in the base implementation.

UI Components

  • topicFeed: An LMFeedTopicView used to display the topics associated with a post.

Data Variables

  • configure(data:): Configures the cell with the given LMFeedPostContentModel data, setting up the topics view and hiding it if there are no topics.


  • configure(data:): Configures the cell with the provided data, setting up the topic view and determining its visibility based on the content model.

Action Handlers

  • No specific action handlers are defined for LMFeedPostTopicCell in the base implementation.


Creating a Custom Topic Cell

To create a custom topic cell, subclass LMFeedPostTopicCell and override the necessary methods to adjust the appearance and layout as needed.

class CustomTopicCell: LMFeedPostTopicCell {
override func setupAppearance() {
containerView.backgroundColor = .blue

Replacing the Default Topic Cell

To use your custom topic cell in the application, update the LMUIComponents in the AppDelegate.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.topicCell = CustomTopicCell.self
// ...
return true