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Text Cell


LMFeedPostTextCell is a subclass of LMPostWidgetTableViewCell designed to display text-based posts in the LikeMinds Feed module. This cell is responsible for presenting the post’s title and body text. It includes a "See More" button that appears when the content exceeds a certain length. The layout is managed using Auto Layout to ensure proper arrangement and sizing of subviews according to the content.





Conforms to LMPostWidgetTableViewCellDelegate. It includes functions for handling interactions within the text cell:

  • didTapPost(postID: String): Invoked when the user taps on the post content.
  • didTapURL(url: URL): Called when a URL in the text is tapped.
  • didTapRoute(route: String): Called when a route in the text is tapped.
  • didTapSeeMoreButton(for postID: String): Called when the "See More" button is tapped.

UI Components

  • questionTitle: An LMLabel displaying the title of the post.
  • postText: An LMTextView that shows the body text of the post. It supports rich text attributes and handles user interactions such as tapping on URLs or hashtags.
  • seeMoreButton: An LMButton that shows additional content when the post text exceeds a certain length.

Data Variables

  • actionDelegate: A weak reference to an instance conforming to LMFeedPostTextCellDelegate for handling user interactions.
  • postID: An optional String that stores the identifier of the post.


  • configure(data: LMFeedPostContentModel): Configures the cell with the provided post data. Sets the title, body text, and configures the visibility of the "See More" button based on the content length.
  • tappedTextView(tapGesture: UITapGestureRecognizer): Handles taps on the text view. Determines if a URL, hashtag, route, or post content was tapped and notifies the delegate accordingly.
  • didTapURL(url: URL): Called when a URL is tapped in the text view.
  • didTapHashTag(hashtag: String): Placeholder for handling hashtag taps (currently does nothing).
  • didTapRoute(route: String): Called when a route is tapped in the text view.
  • didTapSeeMoreButton(): Called when the "See More" button is tapped. Notifies the delegate to handle the event.

Action Handlers

  • didTapSeeMoreButton(): The selector method for the "See More" button's tap action. It checks if the postID is set and notifies the delegate to handle the event.


To create a custom cell for LMFeedPostTextCell, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Custom Text Cell

class CustomTextCell: LMFeedPostTextCell {
override func setupAppearance() {
contentView.backgroundColor = .lightGray
questionTitle.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18)

Step 2: Replace the Default Cell in the UI Components Class

In AppDelegate.swift, update the LMUIComponents.shared.textCell to use the custom cell class:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.textCell = CustomTextCell.self
// ...
return true