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idStringUnique ID of the post.
textStringText content of the post.
attachmentsList<Attachment>List of attached medias in the post. Maximum size is 10.
communityIdIntUnique ID of the community.
isLikedBooleantrue if the user has liked the post, false otherwise.
isEditedBooleantrue if the post was edited, false otherwise.
isPinnedBooleantrue if the post is pinned, false otherwise.
userIdStringUnique ID of post creator.
likesCountIntNumber of users that liked the post.
commentsCountIntNumber of users that commented on the post.
isSavedBooleantrue if the user has saved the post, false otherwise.
menuItemsList<MenuItem>List of actions as menu items on the post.
repliesList<Comment>List of comments on the post.
createdAtLongTimestamp when the post was created.
updatedAtLongTimestamp when the post was last updated.
uuidStringUnique ID of post creator.
headingStringHeading of the post.
tempIdStringTemporary ID of post.
topicIdsList<String>List of ids of the topics added in the post.
workerUUIDStringUUID of the worker responsible for uploading the local post.
isPostedBooleantrue if the local post is posted, false otherwise.


attachmentTypeIntType of attachment.
1 - Image
2 - Video
3 - Document
4 - Link
attachmentMetaAttachmentMetaDownload url of attachment.


nameStringName of the attachment.
urlStringDownload url of attachment.
formatStringFormat of attachment (pdf, etc.).
sizeLongSize of attachment in bytes.
durationIntDuration of video attachment in seconds.
pageCountIntNumber of pages in pdf attachment.
ogTagsLinkOGTagsOGTags for link type attachment.
coverImageUrlStringCover image url user for cover image for article.
titleStringTitle of the article post.
bodyStringBody of the article post.
entityIdStringEntity ID for entity attachment.
thumbnailUrlStringThumbnail url for the media.
awsFolderPathStringFolder path of aws where media will be uploaded.
localFilePathStringLocal file path of the media.
localUriUriLocal Uri of the media.
thumbnailAWSFolderPathStringFolder path of aws for the thumbnail of the media.
thumbnailLocalFilePathStringLocal file path of the thumbnail of the media.


titleStringLink title.
imageStringLink image url.
descriptionStringLink description.
urlStringLink url.
idIntID of the menu item.
titleStringTitle of the menu item.