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idStringUnique ID of the comment.
textStringText content of the comment.
levelIntLevel is 0 for comment and 1 for reply.
isLikedBooleantrue if the user has liked the comment, false otherwise.
isEditedBooleantrue if the comment was edited, false otherwise.
userIdStringUnique ID of comment creator.
likesCountIntNumber of users that liked the comment.
commentsCountIntNumber of users that replied on the comment.
repliesList<Comment>List of replies on the comment.
parentCommentCommentParent comment of the reply.
menuItemsList<MenuItem>List of actions as menu items on the comment.
createdAtLongTimestamp when the comment was created.
updatedAtLongTimestamp when the comment was last updated.
uuidStringUnique ID of comment creator.
tempIdStringTemporary ID of comment.