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Get Configurations

Retrieve the specific configuration settings tailored for our community by utilizing the designated API. This process ensures you access the customized parameters essential for our community's unique requirements.

Steps to fetch configuration

  1. Call getConfig() function using the instance of LMChatClient.
  2. Process the response LMResponse<ConfigResponse> as per your requirement.
LMChatClient.shared.getConfig() { response in
// response (LMResponse<ConfigResponse>)
if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message



accessBoolIndicates if access is granted✔️
enableAudioBoolIndicates if audio is enabled✔️
enableGifsBoolIndicates if GIFs are enabled✔️
enableVoiceNoteBoolIndicates if voice notes are enabled✔️
enableMicroPollsBoolIndicates if micro polls are enabled✔️