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Poll Meta View


The LMChatCreatePollMetaView is a custom view that displays additional settings and options for a poll. It allows the user to configure options such as who can vote and the maximum number of options a user can select.




  • onTapUserMetaOptions(): Called when the user taps on the option to select who can vote.
  • onValueChanged(for:): Called when the value of a meta option is changed.

UI Components

  • containerView: An LMView that serves as the main container for the view.
  • metaOptionStackView: An LMStackView that holds the individual meta option widgets.
  • optionContainerView: An LMView that contains the "who can vote" and "max options" settings.
  • titleLabel: An LMLabel that displays the title for the "who can vote" setting.
  • optionTypeButton: An LMChatCreatePollUserOptionWidget that displays the current "who can vote" setting.
  • maxOptionButton: An LMChatCreatePollUserOptionWidget that displays the current maximum number of options a user can select.
  • equalSymbol: An LMImageView that displays an equal symbol between the "who can vote" and "max options" settings.


  • onTapUserMetaOptions(): Handles taps on the "who can vote" or "max options" settings.
  • configure(with:delegate:): Configures the view.
  • updateUserMetaOption(option:count:): Updates the displayed "who can vote" and "max options" settings.
  • optionCountFormatted(_:): Formats the "max options" value as a string.


class CustomPollMetaView: LMChatCreatePollMetaView {
override func setupAppearance() {
// Add custom appearance setup here

override func onTapUserMetaOptions() {
// Add custom handling here
func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.createPollMetaView = CustomPollMetaView.self
// ...
return true