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Chat Notification Cell


The LMChatNotificationCell is a specialized table view cell designed to display notification message. It presents informational text with customizable styling and supports interactive elements such as clickable URLs and routes.

UI Components

  • infoLabel: A LMTextView that displays the notification message with customizable styling.


  • infoLabelTextFont: The font used for the notification text (default is Appearance.shared.fonts.textFont2).
  • delegate: A weak reference to an object conforming to LMChatMessageBaseProtocol to handle user interactions.


  • tappedTextView(tapGesture:): Handles tap gestures on the text view, processing URL and route interactions.
  • didTapRoute(route:): Delegates the handling of tapped routes.
  • didTapURL(url:): Delegates the handling of tapped URLs.
  • setData(with:): Configures the cell with the provided content model.


To customize the LMChatNotificationCell, you can subclass it and override the setup methods:

class CustomChatNotificationCell: LMChatNotificationCell {
override func setupAppearance() {
infoLabel.backgroundColor = .systemBlue
infoLabel.textColor = .white

override func setData(with data: ContentModel) {
super.setData(with: data)
// Add custom data handling here

To use the custom notification cell:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
LMUIComponents.shared.chatNotificationCell = CustomChatNotificationCell.self
// ...
return true