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Report Screen


The Report Screen allows users to report chatroom entities for violations, offering a structured interface to select report reasons and provide additional input. Developers can customize the interface using builder delegates, settings, and style configurations.

1. LMChatReportScreen Widget

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMChatReportScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final String entityId;

const LMChatReportScreen({
Key? key,
required this.entityId,
}) : super(key: key);

State<LMChatReportScreen> createState() => _LMChatReportScreenState();

This widget serves as the main entry point for reporting entities, such as users or messages. It captures user input, including report reasons and additional text, and submits the report.

2. LMChatReportBuilderDelegate

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMChatReportBuilderDelegate {
const LMChatReportBuilderDelegate();

This delegate provides methods to customize the layout and behavior of the report screen.

Methods in LMChatReportBuilderDelegate

  1. otherReasonTextFieldBuilder
    Definition: Builds a text field for additional input when the user selects 'Other' as the report reason.
    Purpose: Allows users to specify a reason not covered by the default options.

    Usage Example:

    Widget otherReasonTextFieldBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    TextEditingController textEditingController,
    Widget otherReasonTextField,
    ) {
    return otherReasonTextField;
  2. submitButtonBuilder
    Definition: Builds the submit button for the report.
    Purpose: Customizes the submit button’s appearance and behavior.

    Usage Example:

    Widget submitButtonBuilder(
    BuildContext context,
    String entityId,
    int? reportTagId,
    String? reason,
    LMChatButton submitButton,
    ) {
    return submitButton;
  3. reportContentBuilder
    Definition: Builds the main content of the report screen.
    Purpose: Customizes the layout and content of the report page.

    Usage Example:

    Widget reportContentBuilder(
    BuildContext context, Widget defaultContent) {
    return defaultContent;

Remaining Methods

Explore the full list of methods here.

3. LMChatReportSetting

File Location:

class LMChatReportSetting {
const LMChatReportSetting();
  • Purpose: Configures settings related to the reporting process. Currently, no specific fields or methods are defined.

4. LMChatReportStyle

File Location:

class LMChatReportStyle {
const LMChatReportStyle();
  • Purpose: Defines the appearance and styling of the report screen. No additional fields or methods are currently defined.

5. LMChatReportConfig

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMChatReportConfig {
final LMChatReportBuilderDelegate builder;
final LMChatReportSetting setting;
final LMChatReportStyle style;

const LMChatReportConfig({
this.builder = const LMChatReportBuilderDelegate(), = const LMChatReportStyle(),
this.setting = const LMChatReportSetting(),

Usage Example: Injecting Custom Configuration

  1. Create a Custom Builder:

    class CustomReportBuilder extends LMChatReportBuilderDelegate {

    Widget submitButtonBuilder(
    BuildContext context, String entityId, int? reportTagId,
    String? reason, LMChatButton submitButton) {
    return submitButton.copyWith(
  2. Pass Custom Style and Setting along with Builder:

    final customStyle = LMChatReportStyle();
    final customSetting = LMChatReportSetting();
  3. Inject the Custom Builder, Style, and Setting into the Config:

    final reportConfig = LMChatReportConfig(
    builder: CustomReportBuilder(),
    style: customStyle,
    setting: customSetting,
  4. Initialize with Custom Config:

    config: LMChatConfig(
    reportConfig: reportConfig,

6. Summary

The Report Screen enables users to report chatroom entities with customized reasons. Developers can use the LMChatReportBuilderDelegate to adjust core components, such as the submit button and input fields. The LMChatReportConfig provides a flexible way to inject custom builders, styles, and settings to align the reporting experience with specific design and functional needs.