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Chatbot Screen


The AI Chatbot Initiation Screen serves as an intermediate loading screen while setting up and navigating to an AI chatbot conversation. It displays an animation and status text while performing the necessary initialization steps in the background.

LMChatAIBotInitiationScreen Widget

File Location:

Class Declaration

class LMChatAIBotInitiationScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final String? animationToShow;
final LMChatTextBuilder? previewText;

const LMChatAIBotInitiationScreen({
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);


animationToShowString?Custom Lottie animation JSON asset path to display during initialization
previewTextLMChatTextBuilder?Custom text builder to display loading status


The screen performs the following steps:

  1. Fetches Available Chatbots

    • Retrieves the list of AI chatbots using LMChatClient.getAIChatbots()
    • Selects the first available chatbot
  2. Checks DM Status

    • Verifies if a conversation already exists with the chatbot
    • Extracts existing chatroom ID if present
  3. Chatroom Setup

    • If an existing chatroom is found, navigates to it
    • Otherwise, creates a new DM chatroom with the chatbot
  4. Navigation

    • Stores the chatroom ID locally
    • Redirects to LMChatroomScreen with the appropriate chatroom ID

Usage Example

builder: (context) => LMChatAIBotInitiationScreen(
// Optional: Custom animation asset
animationToShow: 'assets/custom_loading.json',
// Optional: Custom loading text
previewText: (context, defaultText) => Text('Custom loading message'),


The AI Chatbot Initiation Screen provides a seamless transition when setting up or accessing an AI chatbot conversation. It handles all the necessary initialization steps while displaying a visually appealing loading interface to the user. The screen can be customized with different animations and text displays to match the app's design requirements.