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Get Conversations

Simplify your chat application development with LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK. Enhance user conversations, enable real-time messaging, and provide seamless communication experiences with minimal coding effort. By utilizing this feature you can view all the conversations in the chatroom.

Steps to fetch Conversations inside a Chatroom

  1. Create a syncConversationRequest object using SyncConversationRequest.builder class by passing all the required parameters.
  2. Call syncConversation() function using the instance of lmChatClient.
  3. Process the response LMResponse<SyncConversationResponse> as per your requirement.
const syncConversationRequest = SyncConversationRequest.builder()
const repsonse = lmChatClient?.syncConversation(syncConversationRequest);

if (response.success) {
// your function to process the response data
} else {
// your function to process error message

Sync Conversation Payload

List of parameters provided by syncConversation().

chatroomIdnumberchatroom Id
conversationIdnumber?conversation id for which you want to get the conversation✔️
pagenumberpage number
pageSizenumberpage size for paginated response
maxTimestampnumbermaximum timestamp
minTimestampnumberminimum timestamp

Sync Conversation Response

List of parameters in the response.

successbooleanAPI success status
error_messagestringError message in case of failure✔️
userMetaMemberUser data
conversationMetaConversationConversation data
conversationDataConversation[]List of conversations
communityMetaCommunityCommunity data
chatroomsMetaChatroomChatroom data
chatroomReactionsMetaReactionMeta[]List of reactions
convReactionsMetaReactionMeta[]List of reactions
convAttachmentsMetaAttachment[]List of attachments
convPollsMetaPoll[]List of Polls