📄️ Get Conversations
Simplify your chat application development with LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK. Enhance user conversations, enable real-time messaging, and provide seamless communication experiences with minimal coding effort. By utilizing this feature you can view all the conversations in the chatroom.
📄️ Get Single Conversation
LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK offers this feature which enables you to access and analyze individual conversations, empowering you to implement customized functionalities or perform specific operations within your chat application.
📄️ Post Conversation
LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK allows you to conveniently post a conversation in an existing chatroom by specifying the chatroom ID. This powerful feature enables you to contribute to ongoing discussions, share important information, or engage with other participants in real-time.
📄️ Edit Conversation
Editing a conversation means that you can change the text content of specified conversation corresponding to a unique conversation ID.
📄️ Delete Conversation
Deleting a conversation means that you can delete the text content of specified conversation corresponding to a unique conversation ID.
📄️ Put Multimedia
LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK provides the Put Multimedia feature, allowing you to attach multimedia files to your conversations effortlessly. By utilizing this feature, you can enrich your conversations with various types of media, such as images, videos, documents, and more.
🗃️ Polls
4 items
📄️ Put Reaction
Reactions are used to add context to a message, such as by indicating that the user agree or disagree with something that was said. You can integrate reactions to react to chat messages and enable your users to react to these messages by following the given steps
📄️ Delete Reaction
You can integrate "remove reaction" which enables your user to remove their reaction from already reacted chat messages. You can do so by following the given steps.