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Message Privately

To message privately from a group chat, LikeMinds React Native Chat SDK offers a convenient feature that allows you to send private messages within a group chat. This feature enables you to communicate with a specific person privately without others in the group seeing the conversation.

Steps to send message privately in a group


  1. As soon as a Group Chatroom is opened.
  • Call checkDMStatus() here with requestFrom=group_channel to check whether user can reply privately or not.

  • Fetch response from checkDMStatus().

    • if response.show_dm is false
      • Don’t show Message Privately option on long press/menu option_of individual message.
    • else
      • Fetch ctaroute://direct_message?show_list=<>&community_id=<> from the response and get show_list from the query parameter
        • if show_list == 1
          • Show Message Privately option on long press/menu option of individual message of all members.
        • else if show_list == 2
          • Show Message Privately option on long press/menu option of individual message of Community Managers only
  • Show Message Privately option only when a single message is selected.
  • Don't show Message Privately option for self messages.
  • Don't show Message Privately option for delete messages. :::

On click of Message Privately

  • Follow steps of create direct messages here